Our Services

Next to you and yours, nobody will care about your personal or business tax compliance, tax planning or accounting matters more than Aspire.


Tax Compliance Only

Minimum pricing for these services:

Individual Tax Preparation $350

Business Tax Preparation $850

Includes tax return preparation and review as well as digital document storage.

This service is invoiced upon completion of the work.


Year Round Access Package

Minimum pricing for this package:


For those who have purchased a Tax Compliance Only service, we want to also be available year round to answer your quick phone call or email questions and to respond to current year IRS notices. The Year Round Access package allows us to serve you for a full twelve months and is invoiced at the beginning of each of those months.


Full Service Business Subscription

Minimum pricing for this subscription:


This subscription is for business owners who have purchased Tax Compliance Only services. It includes everything in the Year Round Package plus bookkeeping, payroll assistance through QBO or Gusto, one end of year tax planning meeting/projection between October 16th and December 16th and a mid year tax projection if desired.

The Full Service Business Subscription allows us to serve you and your business for a full twelve months and is invoiced at the beginning of each of those months.

Contact us

Interested in working together? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly. We can’t wait to hear from you!